Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mauritannia, Senegal River Conflict

This conflict has been discussed in detail by Bremmer Kneib in i-v phases,
1. Case Background,
2. Environment Aspect,
3. Conflict aspect,
4. Env.-conflict overlap,
5. Related Informatiom.
1. Case Background :
The conflict between the Senegal and Mauritania started, in 1989, after an announcement from the Senegal end that they were going to have a project namely the "Fossil Valley Rehabilitation Project" was to be implemented. The people of Mauritania became afraid of possible reduction of water supply and its missuse. Over 400 people died deue to the conflict.The project was dropped for the year. In June 1999 the Senegalese govt. again announced the program. This announcement again caused tensions These tensions were further escalated when Mauritanian govt. gave Senegalese an ultimatum of 15 days . But the Senegalese govt. sticked to their progrm.
The conflict was continuing for 14 years causing sufferings to both the parties.Both of them were colonies of France until 1960's.As this river is on the border of both the countries both of them use this river as their source of water for irrigation and for fresh water.The river is also used for irrigation to irrigate the the crops for irrigation by farmers.In mauritania 47 % of the labour force is employed in this sector.
Senegal is a semi-desert country and is therefore more dependent on agriculture than Mauritania but it has other river also. The river system of Senegal is its life-blood.
the third reason is mauritania has only this river for its fresh water and will be out of fresh water if they do not get benifit of Senegal.
Hence the importance of Senegal is more to Mauritania than in Senegal.