Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kenya, Independence Era

Statue of Jomo Kenyatta,Nairobi

Lancaster House Conference held in 1963 for Kenya's Independence
World War I proved that the Europeans were not so civilised as they appeared to be. The British lost a lot of prestige in the eyes of Africans. Several movements began to agitate against colonisation. The kenians became more concious about their past history, which they had learned from the missionary schools.One of them was Harry Thuku, who wa sent to prison for 11 years for organising mass protests in 1921 with young Kikuyu Organisation, which was converted to Kenya African National Union (KANU) led by Jomo Kenyatta. The famous Mau Mau rebellion from 1952-1960 was the road to culmination of British rule in Kenya. Although the British had sentenced Kenyatta to 7 years hard hard labor for his rebellion in Mau Mau, Kenyatta became the first president of Independent Kenya.
After his death in 1978, Daniel Arap Moi-vice president of Kenyatta,became the second president of Kenya.