A famous saying was that if M.K.Gandhi was not born India might have earned freedom but if Jinnah was not born Pakistan wouldn't have been created. Both of them are called father of their respective country and their death of birth is a national holiday to the country concerned.Both of them were in favour of constitutional changes and not in armed revolution.
Jinnnah was born in Wazir Mansion, Karachi on Oct.20,1875, ( alternative opinion by Sarojini Naidu was Dec. 25, 1976).Jinnah was eldest son aomongst seven of his father woh was a prosperous Gujrati merchant.

Jinnah as a youth in traditional dress
Before going to London for his further studies he was married with a distant cousin, Emibai, two years junior to him but Emibai died after two months of her marriage. At the age of 19 Jinnah, after his study in law, joined in Lincoln's Inn, a world's top ten Magistrates concern. He was the youngest South Asian to join the bar in England.
During his studies he became progressive and democratic.and became admirer of Gladstone and Morley and also indian political leader, Dadabhai Naoroji and Ferozeshah Mehta. By this time he had developed largely constitutionalist views on Indian self Government. The western world inspired him to political life. He owned 200 hand tailored suits which he wored with heavily starched shirts with detachable collars. It was alleged that he never wore the same silk tie twice.
after returning to he became a successful lawyer in Bombay court and made a house of his own at Malabar Hill, Bombay. He was hired by Balgangadhar Tilak as a defence counsel for sedition trial in 1905. On entering into politics he was influenced by three Indian National Congress stalwarts Gokhale,Pheroz Shah mehta and Surendra nath Banerjee.

Jinnah's house at Mumbai