Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pakistan, Split of Muslim League (contd-5), and reunited.

Syed Abdul Jabbar and others of Rajputana wanted to postpone the date for annual session of AIML to save the Split.Though the reception committee was formed to hold the session at Lahore with chairman Sir Zulfiqar Ali khan and they wanted to have the session, a last moment effort was made by Ahmad Yar Khan Daultana, to  save the situation, wrote to Jnnah at Calcutta,
    We are extremely gratified that majority of Muslims favor separate electorates. If settlement with Hindu is possible in detail and boycott question may be discussed by both communities otherwise only by Muslims of India at full joint meeting on last saturday and Sunday in January. Pray do not hold regular session of League but as members must have arrived discuss matters only informally. If you agree same course may be followed here. Kindly save the situation.
But the reply never came.
The Leaguers at Lahore waited till the evening of 30th Dec to see the decision of the Jinnah Group and then held their session on 31st Dec 1927. As a result there were two AIML session , one at Lahore with Sir in the Chair and the other at Calcutta presided over by Maulavi Muhammad Yakub. In Calcutta session the AIML reiterated the separate electorate unless its its conditions were fulfilled. Punjab Muslim League was disaffiliated and Jinnah was elected the president for the next three years.INC in its annual session at Madras callled for an all parties conference 'to draft a Swaraj Constitution;
The all parties conference started on 12 Feb 1928 and continued till 22 Feb 1928 and formulated some proposal which were opposed by Hindu Mahasabha. The AIML, Jinnah group appointed a 13 member committee. The all Parties conference was held on 8th March 1928. But there was no agreement between the Jinnah group and Hindu Mahasabha on the point of separate province for Sindh and on reservation of ug 1928 where both Jinnah group and Shafi group remained absent. The only Prominent Muslim Leader Maulana Hasrat Mohani was present and opposed Nehru report.
The AIML, Jinnah group, held its 20th annual Calcutta from 26 to 30 Dec 1928 under the Presidentship of Raja Saheb of Mahmudabad.
Jinnah moved his amandments in the open session of he All Parties Convention on 28 Dec 1928 but no progress was possible due to the opposition of Hindu Mahasabha.
 Finding on other alternative, Jinnah, now, tried to explore the possibilities of unification of two groups of the League. He came to Delhi in Feb 1929 to attend the Legislative Session of the winter session. Meanwhile Sir Saffi also happened to come to Delhi. Both the leaders met and after the meeting the two expressed their satisfaction finding possibilities of unity between the groups. A meeting of the council of Jinnah group was held on 28 March 1928 which was attended by more than 60 members in the ranks of the AIML.Shafi group was also held separately their council meeting.A representative character of the two groups met and worked out the possibility of unity of the two groups.Another meeting of Jinnah Group Council was called for 23 February 1930.The purpose of the meeting was explained in a letter of secretary AIML on 15 feb,1930 and on the basis of the agreement, already arrived by the leaders, the two groups held Council meeting from 23 to 28 feb 1930.the proposal of unification was unanimously accepted.   After som
On 28 Feb 1930, after Jamatul Wida Prayers, a meeting of the council of AIML members of both groups attended with President Jinnah who proposed that the two factions of the AIML were now united .Thus , the two Leagues were united after their separation over two years ago.