Sunday, February 28, 2010

History of Islam in India (contd-4)

Mystic interpretation of Islamic life within the bonds of religious orthodoxy is known as Sufism, which was initially launched by God fearing people of Perso-Arab world. They renounced the world and devoted themselves to His service. As the seekers of Tawhid  (unity in God) they helped in Spread of Islam through Mystic movement with intellectualisation of Sunnah (the Orthodox custom of the Islamic world)as one of its basic principles.The Sufis either in their life time or in their tombs after death became a symbol of supernatural power with metaphysical features ascribed to them under the Guidelines of Quran and Sunnah. The disciples of Sufi adopt the path of peace or even armed jehad for Shariatisation of the whole world as a mission of holy duty.
Mysticism is a practical spiritual discipline based on the the insight of illuminted seekers after after truth.
Contrary to the spiritual mission of sufism, the cult was primarily introduced in India for spread of Islam with a view to help the Muslim rulers for political domination.By and large the spiritual successors of mystic islamic saints enjoyed the royal favour of Muslim rulers and gave moral support to the atrocious Muslim invaders and looked other way to ignore the growing social conflict. they also guided the state in political affairs with their experience of regular interaction with common people.
Sufi saints commonly viewed as symbol of secularism , however, never opposed Jejiya  (tax imposed on non-believers) levied on Hindus in Islamic India.Their deeply rooted belief and practice of Islamic norms within perso-Arabic traditions remained the bedrock of the mystic movement . Therefore, instead of advising the Muslim marauders against their inhuman deeds , the sufis overlooked the plight of Hindu priests and saints , who were forced to flee and hide themselves.During the period of Sultanate in India these mystics were supposed to guarantee the prosperity to islamic kingdom.