Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pakistan, Formation of AIML (contd-1)

Adamjee Peerbhoy: Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy was one of India's largest cotton manufacturersand wealthiest man.At one point he employed 15,000 workers in his cotton mills and supplied the canvas used for the tents and khaki uniforms of the British soldiers during the 2nd Boer war.Peerbhoy was also the first Indian Shreiff of Mumbaiand was said to be the owner of the largest tannery in Asia. It is thought that he first made his money from shipbuilding. Peerbhoy became President of the Muslim League for a time attending its first session in Karachi in 1907.Peerbhoy financed his son for construction of the Matheron Hill Railway which linked Matheron and Neral.
Salem Ullah
The formation of ALML was a major landmark in the history of modern India. The first formal entry of a centrally organised political party exclusively for muslims had the following objectives:
  1. To promote among the Muslim of India, feelings of loyalty to the British Govt. and remove any misconception that may arise as to the instruction of Govt. with regard to any of its measures.
  2. To protect and advance the political rightsand interests of Muslims of India, and to respectfully represent their needs and aspirations to the Govt.
  3. To prevent the rise among the Muslims of India of any feeling of hostility towards other communities without prejudice to the afore-mentioned objects of the league.
Initially AIML remained a pocket organisation of urbanised Muslims.However, the support of the British Govt. to the political Islamists in their non-secular intention as well as contemptuous attitude towards majority role helped the leagueto become the sole representative body of Indian muslims.To confront the challenge of modern political system , the AIML successfully achieved the status of separate electorates for the Muslims within three years of its formation.It was the first big achievement of the party, which granted separate constitutional identity to the Muslims.Lucknow pact of 1916 put official seal on the separate identity of Muslims, which was another landmark in the separatist movement launched by the AIML.