Monday, July 13, 2009

Bangladesh, Formation of Muslim League

On 30th dec.,1906, a conference was held at Dhaka under the Chairmanship of Nawam Salimullah, convener of the political committee and chairman of the reception committee, the All India Muslim League was formed with a provisional committe of 56 members.Mohsin -ul-mulk and Viqar-ul-Mulk as joint secretaries. After the death of Mohsin-ul-Mulk in 1907,Viqur-ul-Mulk was in full control. The first session of the league was held at Karachi on Dec. 29 and 30,1907.with Adamjee Peerbhoy as its president.
The objectives of the AIML were, i) to look after the interests of the Muslims with other Indian communities, ii) to protect and advance the political rights and interest of Muslims in India, and to respectfully represent their needs and aspirations to the Govt., iii) to prevent the rise among the Muslims of India of any feeling of hostility towards other communities without prejudice to the afore-mentioned objects of the league.
The Nationalist press dismissed the Muslim League as a rickety structure, destined to a speedily dissolution . Mohammad Ali Jinnah, a prominant leader of the Congress did not join the AIML till 1913. He tried within the Congress for one-third reservation of his community.