The All India Congress Committee met in Bombay on 6 July 1946. The Congress Working Committee's resolution accepting the cabinet mission plan was submitted for ratifiacation.Although, this was strongly opposed by the leaders of the socialist party neverthless, the influence of Gandhiji and of the Woking Committee prevailed and thus the resolution was ratified.Nehru was the Congress president during that time. According to Nehru the two major provisions laid down by the mission were proper arrangements for minorities and a treaty between India and England.Thus the main task of the Mission was to try to bring the leaders of the principle Indian political parties to agreement on these two matters ; namely the method of framing a constitution for a self-governing, Independent India. Another point was the setting up of a new Executive Council or Interim Govt. that would hold office while the condition was being hammered out .
A resolution was then drafted by the Working Committee which was put before the before the council. According to the resolution, the League had been influenced by the assurance given to its president that there would be five members each belonging to the Congress and the League in the Interim Govt., together with two members representing the minorities. On July 22, 1946, Lord Wavell requested separately to Nehru and Jinnah. He asked then whether the Congress and the Muslim League would be prepared to enter an Interim Govt. on the basis that six members (that included one scheduled caste) from the Congress, and five members from the Muslim League. In addition to that the Viceroy would nominate three representatives of the Minorities. A communique was issued, stating that the Interim Govt. would be installed on Sept 2.