Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mozambique, After independence (continued)

The civil war ended in Oct. 1992 with the Rome General Peace Accord. Under supervision of the ONUMOZ peacekeeping force of the United Nations, peace returned to Mozambique.In 1994 the country held its democratic elections and Joaquim Chissanowas elected president.
By mid 1995 more than 1.7 million Mozambican refugees who had sought asylum in neighbouring countries- Malwi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Zambia, Tanzania and South Africaas a result of war and droughthad returned, as part of the largest repatriationwitnessed in sub-saharanAfrica. A further estimated 4 million internally displaced returned to their areas of origin.
In 1998 the country saw its first local elections to provide local representation and some budgetory functions.But the turn out was very low.
The second General election were held in Dec. 1999, with high voter turnout. President Chissano won the electionPresident Chissano was successful in bringing his country to the fold of the first nonformer member of the British Commonwealthand earned a fat amount of foreign aid for economic upliftment of his country. Mozambique, in the whole world, posted high economic growth in 1990s.
In 2002 Chissano announced that he would not seek a third term for his candidature. An independent hero, Armando Guebuza was elected President and sworn in on Feb. 2, 2005.