Friday, January 29, 2010

Pakistan, Simla Deputation,1906

Lord Minto
Young Aga Khan III When Lord Minto was appointed as the Viceroy on India in 1905, The anti-partition agitation had convinced the Muslims of the futility of expecting any fair-play from the Hindu Majority. Therefore, tto safeguard their interests, the Muslim leaders drew up a plan for separate electorates for their community, and presented it to the viceroy Lord Mintoat Simla , on oct. 1906.
Mr. Bilgramiwrote the text of the plan. The Simla Deputation consisted of 70 representatives representing all opinions of the Muslim Community, and headed by Sir Aga Khan who read the address.The long address said, among other things, that the position of the Muslim community should not be estimated by its numerical strength alone, but in terms of its political importance and services rendered to the Empire . He also pointed out that the represenative institutions of the west inapropriate for Indiaand that their application was raising difficult problems . He stressed the need of utmost care while introducing or extending the electoral system in whatever spere, be it municipal or provincial.He stated that the Muslims should be represented as a community.
The viceroy in his reply, to the Simla deputation address reassured tthe Muslims that their political rights and Interest as a community would be safeguarded by any administrative representation under him.
Syed ali Bilgrami wrote the Simla address