Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pakistan (contd-1)

The Aga Khan's appointment to the Viceroy's Legislative Council at the age of 25 years, as he then was, proved an effective training ground for his future public and political life. Besides other important men, he came in close contact with lord Curzon, Lord Kitchner, and the great Indian leader Mr. Gokhale. He also kept himself in touch with Nawab Mohsinul Mulk, whom he had met during his visit to Aligarh in 1896. In 1904, Aga Khan was again offered membership of the council for two more years but he did not accept it.He wanted to participate actively in Politics. In 1902-1903, he prsided at the session of the All India muslim Education conference held in Delhi, on the occasion of the coronation of King Edwad VII, and made a strong appeal to the Muslims to raise the Aligarh College to the status of a university.
His active participation in the public life for about ten years gave the young Aga Khan an insight into the condition of Muslim in India.
Having been disappointed at the attitude of the Hindu dominated Congress, Prince Aga Khan , and his old friend Nawab Mohsin -ul-Mulk along with other Muslims.
On 1 oct., 1906, the news of the demand of Muslims for separate electorates spread like wild fire throughout the length and bredth of India. The Congress raised a storm of protests. there was some so-called nationalist Muslims whoridiculed this step of their brethren. To raise this voice a separate political organisation was felt by Prince Aga khan and other muslim leaders. he, therefore, on 24th oct 1906 wrote a letter to Nawab Mohsin-ul-mulk which is a very important document in the history of Muslims of the sub-continent because with this document stats the Muslim Leagueunder whose flag the Muslims won their freedom and got Pakistan.The letter is given below;