Friday, January 22, 2010

Pakistan, Alexander The Great

The oldest village Mehrgarh 6000 BC, is located 125 miles west of the Indus Valley. The initial site is quite small and exhibits evidence of crop farming, with produce such as Asiatic Wheat . The site also shows use of domestic goods and extensive trade with the west. Teded goods included Turqoise, copper, and cottonfrom as far away as Arabia. By 5,000 BC the dwellings of the Mehrgarh went from simple semi-permanent husing to mud brick, and then large permanent housing. The economy was largely depended on tradem continued well into 4,000 BC when the culture clearly identified as Harappan became evident.

From the early but rapidly advancing beginning of the Mehrgarh , came the eventual arrival of ythe early Harappan evidenced very densely packed villages and village centers, all with extensive irrigation systems, and much the same subsistence pattern as Mahrgarh.

The oldest evidence of human activity is of early Stone-age on the Pot war Plateau (north west Punjab). The so-called Dravidians were late Stone-Age hunter-gatherer communities in the Punjab Sind plains. Excavations indicate Primitive agriculture in the upland valleys of Baluchistan by the 4th millennium BC; tribes there may have been the first to domesticate the buffalo. In the 3rd millennium BC, permanent villages farming on the rich Indus alluviumwere the nucleiof what what was to become one of the world's most important urban cultures. The ndus valley civilisation