Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wars fought during Clive and Wellesly (contd-3)

1768- 2nd treaty of British with Nijam;
The British would pay tax to Nijam for receiving Uttar Sarkar and Company would not demand Guntur Sarkar under the control of Nijam's brother Basalat Jung.Moreover, the English would pay some money as Chauth to be protected against any attack from Bargi.
In autumn soldiers coming fron Mumbai occupied Mangalore and Unnur  but after two or three months Hyder reoccupied the two places.When Hyder was busy in reoccupying the places on the western coast, Colonel Smith came from east and entered Mysore to capture Bangalore.But the residents of Mysore drove him upto Kolar.
1769- English had to spoil time at Kolar when Hyder was  Karnatak,Tiruchipalli, Madura, Tirunelvelli etc devasted and increased his military strength. They were forced to make a treaty with Hyder. When Hyder tried to attack Maratha he was defeated and had to pay as penalty the some of Rs. 1 crore which  he didnot pay. He fled to Sreerangapattanam and wanted help from English. But They instead of extending their support to Hyder, made alliance with Maratha. at last Hyder paid 36 lakhs of Rupees with a guarantee of paying Rs. 14 lakhs annually to Maratha. Hyder and Tipu took an oath of enemy with English till death.