Thursday, August 12, 2010

Economy-Zimbabwe Agriculture, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has a welldefined and diversified agricultural sector, producing food crops, cash crops, and livestock. Although agriculture accounted for only 28 percent of GDP in 1998, it emerged about 66 pc of the labor force in 1996.  Some 27 % of formal sector employment was in the agriculture sector in 1977. Agriculture's share of GDP has been fluctuating from 17 %in 1985, 12% in in 1990, 14 % in 1996, and 28% in 1998, depending on the impact of drought and the level world prices for export crops.Zimbabwe produces much of its own food , except in years where drought affects maize and wheat production. The staple food crop is maize, and other cereal crops include barley , sorghum, and wheat. Inspite of the high concentrationof arable farmland in the commercial sector , smallholder production share of agricultural output rose from 9 pc in 1983, to 25 pcin 1988, and50 pc in 1990/. Tobacco is the largest export crop (23 pc of merchandise exports in 1977) and Zimbabwe is among the world's largest exporters. The other main exports are sugar and cotton and in surlpus maize . Horticulture is growing rapidly and Zimbabwe is now the world's third largest exporters of roses. Zimbabwe is ond of a few sub-saharan Africancountries allowed to export beef to the European union. Exports began in 1985, however Zimbabwe could not keep up  with its quota, and exports have dwindled over the years. Total exports were 9,500 metric tons inn 1996. Sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry are also extensibly farmed. About half country's timber is produced by the forestry Commission. Rough-sawn timber is exported Botswana and South Africa. High Quality timber is exported mainly to the United Kingdom. In 1994, Zimbabwe's forestry sector produced 29,000 cubic meters of non-coniferous sawn wood, 3,000 cubic meters of non-coniferous sawn logs and veneer logs and 1.8 million cubic meters of industrial round wood..   ..