Friday, October 22, 2010

The Mughal Empire

Babur : Claiming descent from both Genghis Khan and Timur, Babur combined strength and courage and military ability defeated the last Lodhi Sultan at the first Battle of Panipath, a town north of Delhi. Babur then persuaded his followers of central Asia to stay in India and overcame other contenders for power , mainly the Rajput and Afghans . He succeeded in both the tasks but died shortly after this in 1530. Babur's son Humayun lost control of Delhi soon after taking power , but his son Akbar (1556-1605) re-established Mughal Dynastic rule.    
The Mughals dominated Indian politics from the thirteenth to the nineteenh centuries, lasting until the British took colonial control in 1857.India in the 16th century presented a fragmented picture of rulers, both Muslim and Hindu, who lacked concern for their subjects and failed to create a common body of laws or institutions. Outside developments also played a role in shaping events. The circumnavigation of Africa by the portuguese explorer Vasco da gama in 1492 allowed Europeans to challenge Arab control of the trading routes between Europe and Asia. In central Asia and Afghanistan, shifts in power pushed Babar of Ferghana (in present dayUzbekistan ) southward, first to Kabul and then to India. The dynasty he founded endured for more than 3 centuries.