Tuesday, January 18, 2011

British India (contd-4)

Foothold in India :
English traders frequently engaged in hostilities with their counterparts in the Indian ocean. The company achieved a major victory over the Portuguese in the Battle of Swally (Diu) in 1612.
The Battle of Swally took place on 29-30 Nov. 1612 off the coast of Suvali (anglicised to Swally), a village near the city of Surat, Gujarat, India, and was a victory for four English East India Company of galleons over four portuguese naus and 26 barks ( rowing vessels with no armament).
  The Company decided to explore the feasibility of gaining a territorial foothold in mainland India , with official sanction of both countries, and requested that the crown launch a diplomatic mission. In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe was instructed by James I to visit the Mughal Emperor Nuruddin Salim Jahangir ( 1605-1627) to arrange for a commercial treaty which would give the company exclusive rights to reside and build factories in Surat and other areas . In return, the company offered to provide the Emperor with goods and rarities from the European market. This mission was highly successful as Jahangir sent a letter to James through Sir Thomas Roe.
The Emperor gave a clear permission in favour of them to enjoy the facility of trade in any parts of the country. They were permitted to bring their ships of all sorts of rarities and rich goods fit for His palace.