Sunday, February 6, 2011

Battle of Plassey, 23rd June 1757

The Battle of Plassey , 23 June 1757, was a decisive  victory of the British East India Company rule over the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies. The battle took place at Plassey of Bengal on the river banks of  Bhagirathi, 150 km. from Calcuuta, near Murshidabad.   The battle was preceded by the attack and plunder of Calcutta by Siraj-ud-Daulah and the Black Hole trajedy.The British sent reinforcements under Colonel Robert Clive and Admiral Charles Watson from Madras to Bengal and recaptured Calcutta.  The Clive then took the initiative to capture the French  possession.

This is referring to an event that may have occurred at the Black Hole of Calcutta, which was the name of the converted guard room/holding cell of Fort William in Calcutta, India. After the fort was taken by the Naweb from the British on June 19, 1756, the Naweb held all of the British prisoners of war in this tiny room, during which time most of the prisoners were crushed to death or suffocated. This event's accuracy is dubious, and some believe that it's a tall-tale invented for British propaganda purposes. My source is linked below.