About 12.7% (650,000 hectares/1,606,000 acres) of the total area was considered arable land in 1998. About 5.6% of the economically active population was engaged in agriculture in 1999. During the disintegration of the Yugoslav SFR, civil fighting in the major agricultural areas often interrupted harvests and caused considerable loss of field crops, as indicated by the following summary of the 1999 harvest (in 1,000 tons): corn, 160; wheat, 188; potatoes, 380; fruit, 78; vegetables and melons, 609; and onions (dry), 35.
Bosnia and Herzegovina became independent in April 1992, but shortly afterwards the country plunged into a three-year conflict. On 21 Nov 1995 a peace agreement was reached in Dayton (USA).It retained country's international boundaries and created two political entities within the state: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and District of Brcko.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a territory of 51.280 km² and population of 3,84 mio.
The economy is improving. The EU is the main trading partner (in 2006 – 54 % of export and 52 % of import). Agriculture is still one of the most important sectors of the economy providing food security for large part of the population.