Environmental impact and ecology degradation due to intensive agriculture have been devastating in the country , 95 % of eastern forests have disappeared to make room for agriculture, and it is estimated that by the end of the century all forests in the northeast regions will disappear compltely. As a consequence of this, thousands of nomads have been forced to migrate to the rural centers in search of work. El-Gaziraprovince, 2006.
The Sudanese Government is consantly blamed for only investing in the Khartoum area, where the ruling elite live . Those living outside the capital hardly see any investments being made into their villages or towns. For many children, the future is something not to be looking for.Northern Sudan ,2006.
Soils : The country's soil can be divided geographically into three categories. These are the sandy soils of the northern and west central areas, the clay soils of the central regions and the laterite soils of the south. Less extensive and widely separated, but of major economic importance, is a fourth group consisting of alluvial soils found along the lower reaches of the White Nile and Blue Nile rivers , along main Nile to lake Nubia, in the delta of the Qash River innthe Kassals area , and in the baraka Delta in the area tawkar near he red sea in Ash Sharqi State.