Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sudan, Nile (contd-2)

How does it compare with other rivers ?
Inspite of its great length and large drainage basin ( 3,000,ooo km2. or about 10 % of Africa, and affecting 9 nations), it carries relatively little water. Yearly flows over the past century ranged from a low of 42 km3 in the drought year of 1984 to a high of 120km3 for 1916. This relatively low flow for such a long river is because no water is added to it north of its confluence with Atbara river ,and much is lost by evaporation . Most other great rivers join with other large streams as they approach the sea, joining their waters into an eve-swelling stream. Instead, the Nile wanders through the largest and most arid region on earth, the Sahara Desert.
Why is it Important ?
Some think that the Nile is the most important river in the world.It certainly touches us
The Nile is the great river of northeast Africa. It begins in wellwatered regions near the equator and flows northward across the terrible Sahara Desert before it empties into the eastern Mediterrranean Sea. It is 4,145 miles long and is the longest river of the world. In 1856 the British Royal Geographical Society commissioned Richard Francis Burton and expeditions they found Lake Ukerewe in 1858 which was renamed, after the Queen, Victoria Nyanza and continuing westwards via Tabora they reached Ujiji and found lake Tanganyika.
John Hanning Speke to look for the sources of the Nile; during their expeditions they found lake Ukerewe in 1858 which was renamed , after the the Queen Victoria Nyanza and continuing westwards via Tabora they reached Ujiji and found lake Tanganyika. The Blue Nile falls fed by lake Tana near the city of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia forms the upstreamof the blue Nile. It is also known as Tis Issat falls after the name of the nearby village.

The Nile consists of two principal branches - the White Nile and the Blue Nile-which join at Khartoum to form the main Nile. The main Nile consists of the Egyptian Nile and the Cataract Nile. The White Nile, which is the largest segment, may be further subdivided into 1. The central Sudan Region, 2. The Sudd, 3. The lake plateau region.