The territory of the Republic of Angola is situated in the occidental coast of the Austral Africa, on the South of the Equator, between the parallels 4º 22' and 18º 02', being limited on the North, by the Republic of the Congo Brazavilean and the Democratic Republic of the Congo , on the East by Zambia, on the South by Namibia and on West by the Atlantic Ocean, including still the Province of Cabinda, situated on the North, between the Congo-Brazavile and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The population is esteemed to 14 million inhabitants and its politico-administrative division understands 18 provinces.

The flora presents five types of natural zones: wet flora (Maiombe), savannah associates with bush (Luanda), dry savannah with trees and shrubs (East), steppe, throughout a coastal band (Sumbe) and desert-like, in the south extremity of the country (desert of the Namibe) which offers an only species to them in the world - the Welwitchia Mirablis - it doesn't has stem and presents solely roots and leaves.
The fauna is notable, since the Giant Black Palanca in the National Park of Kangandala in the province of Malange, gorillas and tchimpanzes in Maiombe, to seixa, pacaça, elephant, goat of fan, guelengue of the desert, hyena, lion, leopard, hippopotamo, at National Park of Lona, at the Province of Namibe rinoceronte, elephant, Guelengue of the desert, zebra, leopard etc. At the National Park of Mupa, at the Province of Cunene, for the special protection of the Giraffe and where we can find also Elephants, and ostrich, and in the rivers, crocodiles, alligators and sengues. It exists nine reserves and parks for protection of the animals, some of them threatened of extinguishing.
Source: Monografia de Angol