The present state of Independence movement is mainly due to the conflict between the rising Capitalist Class in India and the British Capitalists. There was other contradictions also.i.e., contradiction between the fuedal lords with the British and the working class and the exploiting classes.During the early years of the 20th century, the working time in the factories was, on the average, 12 hours and 7minutes per day. In some factories , it was even 14 hours. In Bombay, workers had to toil for over 12 hours ( in some factories which had started using electric power it was between 14and 1/2, and 15 hours.). In Broach it was 14 and 1/2 hours, in Agra 13 and 3/4 to 15 and 1/4 hours, in Lucknow 13 and 3/4 to 14 and 1/2 hours and in Amritsar aqnd lahore it was 13 to 13 and 3/4 hours. In agricultural field class conflicts are getting intensified as in the case of factories.

A new sets of leaders from different walks of life by the educated sections of the people. Teachers, lawyers, Doctors and various other professions.
Lokmany Tilak was the most eminent amomg the extremist