Popular discontent against the Nawab flourished in his own court. The Seths, the traders of Bengal, were in perpetual fear for their wealth under the reign of Siraj, cotrary to the situation under Alivardi's reign.They have engaged Yar Lutuf Khan to defend them in case they were threatened in any way.William Watts, the Company representative at the court of Siraj, informed Clive about a conspiracy at the court to overthrow the ruler. The conspirators included Mir Jafar, paymaster of the army, Raidurlabh, Yar Latif Khan, and Omichand(Amir Chand), a sikh merchant, and several officers in the army. When communicated in this regard by Mir Jafar, Clive referred it to the select committee in Calcutta on 1 May.The Committee passed a resolution in support of the alliance . A treaty was drawn between the British and Mir Jafar to raise him to the throne of the Nawab in return for support to the British in the field of Battle and the best of all of large sums of money upon them as compensation for the attack. On 2 May, Clive broke up his camp and sent half the troop to Calcutta an the other half to Chadernagar.