The war of the Austrian Succession marked the beginning of the power struggle between Britain and France and of European military ascendancy and political intervention in the Indian subcontinent. In Sept. 1746, Mahe de La Bourdonnais landed off Madras with a naval squadron and laid siege to the port city. The defences of Madras were weak and the garrison sustained a bombardment of three days before surrendering. There was disagreement between Bourdonnais and Joseph francois Dupleix, the Governor general of the Indian possessions of the French Govt. At the same time, the Nawab of Carnatic Anwaruddin Muhammed Khan intervened in support of the British and the combined forces and a battle lasted for Pondichery for 31 days and the battle ended with an agreement in 1748 with Madras back to British in return for Louisbourg and Cape Breton Island in North America.
In the meantime Alivardi Khan ascended to the throne of the nawab of Bengal..