Bangladesh in the past;
Once Bangladesh, a subset of Bengal, played a global role in the production and trade in Jute, sugar, and opium. The region became also famous for its cotton and and silk industry, specially Moslin of Dhaka. But it was British who not only cut all the thumb fingers, as the story goes, of artisaans of Bangladesh, killed them and destroyed the roots of that industry.
Marx said in his analysis in article "British rule in India";
Now, the British in East India, accepted from their predcessors the department of finance and of war , but they have neglected entirely that of public works. Hence the deterioration of of an agriculyure which is notcapable of being conducted on the British principle of free competition
laissez-fare and laissez-alter.........It was the British intruder who broke up the India hand-loom and destroyed the spinning wheel . England began with driving the Indian cotton from the European market; it then introduced twist into Hindostan, and in the end inundated the very mother country of cotton with cottons. from 1818 to 1836 the export of twist from the Geat Britain to India rose in the proportion of 1 to 5,200. In 1824 the export of British muslins
to India hardly amounted to 1,000,000 yards, while in 1837 it surpassed 64,000,000 of yards e.i. 64 times more. But at the same time the population of of Dhaka decreased from 150,000 inhabitants to 20,000. This decline of Indian celebrated for their fabrics was by no means the worst consequence. British steam and Science uprooted , over the whole surfaceof Hindostan, the union between agriculture and manufacturing industries.
England has to fulfill double mission in India; one destructive and the regenerating the annihiliation of old Asiatic society, and the laying the material foundations of Western Society in Asia."