The revolutionary groups were mainly concentrated in Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Orissa, Bihar, Uttarpradesh and Punjab.
There are two theories of the Independence Movements of a country against the ruling class. One of which is, i) maximum sacrifice by the minimum number of persons, and the other, ii) minimum sacrifice by the maximum number of persons of a country. The first one is obviously armed revolution.
In Bengal :
Rajnarayan Basu , in 1861, developed the idea of revolution within the minds of the youth of Bengal. Rajnarayan Basu was the the grandfather of the famous revolutionary Aurabindo Ghose. He became the president of the first secret revolutionary organisation, Sanjibani Sabha of which Jyotirindranath Tagore was the main organiser. Rabindranath Tagore was the youngset member of the organisation. The founders of this organisation were inspired from the activities of the revolutionaries of Italy, specially Mazzini and Russia. Indian revolutionaries were also inspired by the revolutionaries of Ireland.The articles published in the monthly magazine, "Aryadarshan" edited by Jogendranath Vidyabhushan in 1874 was also the source of inspiration of the youth revolutionaries.

Hence, under the leadership of Jyotirindranath and Rajnarayan Basu, Sanjibani Sabha, a secret revolutionary one, was formed in Tagore's house. The sittings were held in a tumble down building in an obscure Calcutta lane. Its proceedings were shrouded in mystery. In fact, there was nothing in their deliberations or doings of which Govt or people needed to be afraid. Even Rabindranath became a member. Rabindranath wrote a song for this organisation, "Eksutre Bnadhiyavhi Sahasrati Jiban".