Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the great nationalist leader of Bombay, gave expression to these ideas through his paper the Kesari. As far back as 1885 he wrote;
" We are, at present, gradually being inspired by the spirit of patriotism. The birth of patriotism among us is due to English rule and English education........"
Tilak made it the great object of his life to diffuse the spirit of patriotism and nationalism among the masses.Among the expedients adopted by him were the inauguration of Shivaji festival and the transformation of the traditional worship of Ganapati into the national service Two of the great forces are calculated to deeply stir the national mind,namely religion and history.

Another important political association of the time was the Mahajan Sabha of Madras founded on May 16, 1884. A fair idea of its views and activities may be formed from the proceedings of the Conference which was summoned by it and met for four days, 29-30 Dec, 1884 and 1-2 Jan 1885. A paper was read recommending the expansion of the Legislative Council to the furthest limit allowed by the Act of 1861, the non-official members being appointed on a representative basis . It was decide to send a memorial on this line to the Government.