BNP (Bangladesh National Party) founded by Zia, emerged as the two major Parties.
As Bangladesh's ruler Zia enacted several controversial measures, some to discipline the army, some to unify the country and some to win the support of Islamic political parties. He also didnot take any action on corrupted Awami League leaders.He re-introduced multi-party politics.He allowed Sheikh Hasina , the exile daughter of Mujib, to return to Bangladesh. He didnot disapprove Jamaat-e-Islami,an organisation in collaboration of Pakistani Army. He allowed Golam Azad, the exiled chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, to come backin July 1978 with a Pakistani Passport on a Visitor's Visa and allowed to stay even after the expiry of the Visa. He allowed to work in a Govt. office the assassins of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The Indemnity Ordinance proclaimed by President Mustaque was ratified by him in Parliament. Military coupsx had been legalised by Ershad by incorporating as a 5th amendment in the constitution.
During his term of power Zia was criticised ruthless treatment of his army opposition. Zia's rehabilitation of some of the most cotroversial persons aroused fierce opposition amongst the supporters of Awami league. Zia went on tour on 29 May, 1981 to help resolve an intra-party political dispute in the regional BNP. Zia and his entourage stayed overnight at Chittagong Circuit House. In the early hrs. of the morning of 30 May,1981, he was assassinated byn agroup army officers along with six body guards and two aides.
After the assassination on 30 May, Ershad remained loyal to the Govt. ordered the army to suppress the coup attemptof Zia's associates led by Major general Abul Manzoor.He was buried at the Chandrima Uddan in the locality of Sher-e-Banglanagar in Dhaka.
Large Procession follow the funeral of Zia