1. Anti-circular Society, and
2. Dawn Society.
Anti-circular Society was essentially a students' organisation founded by its energetic leader Sachindra Prasad Basu. It organised the processions in the streets of Calcutta and was known as procession Party. Soon Maulavi Leakat Hossain took charge of the Procession party. He assembled a number of young boys at College Square every evening and went out in procession.
Dawn Society was a non-political institute of culture, founded in 1902, as a protest against the report of the Indian Universities commission,1902. It was run by an able Secretary, Satis Chandra Mukherjee. Its main activity was to propagate, amongst other things, India's moral and spiritual ideas.
Satish Chandra Mukherjee
Satis Chandra was a remarkable man in many respects, and had already achieved distinction as an editor of the "Dawn",founded in 1897. When the Report of the Indian Universities" Commission was published in 1902, the most uncompromising criticism was offered by Satis Chandra.The Dawn society was soon developed into a nursery of patriotism, and its extra-mural education was calculated to foster in the heart of the the students sentiments of nationalism and the spirit for sacrfice for the country.
On Nov. 11 was held , at the College Square a huge student's meeting attended by about ten thousand young menand presidedover by the barrister Ashutosh Choudhury. In the meeting an immediate need for establishing a national university was felt.
A historical conference was met on 16th Nov. 1905. Never before had so many eminent sons of Bengal met on a common platform. For, it was attended, among others, by Gurudas Banerjee, Satis Chndra Mukherjee, Hirendra nath Dutta, Ashtosh Choudhury, Rashbehari Ghosh, Rabindra nath tagore, Tarak Nath Palit, Byomkesh Chakraborty,Chitta Ranjan Das, Abdul Rasul, Nilratan Sircar, Brajendra nath Seal, Lal mohan Ghosh, and Subodh Chandra Mallik.Some distinguished students of calcutta University were also present in the meeting. After several hours of discussion the conference adopted two main resolutions ;
1. It was desirable and necessary that a NationalCouncil of Education should immediately be established with Arts, Science and Technology-on national lines and under national council,
2. that this conference, while fully appreciating the devotion and self-sacrifice of the P.R.S., M.A. and other students, should appear in the ensuing examination.
it was also announced at this conference that besides the promised one lakh of rupees from Subodh Chandra Mallik and five lakhs from another gentleman , a third person(whose name not disclosed ) offered two lakhs of rupees, and a large house with compound , while a fourth donorwas likely to contribute Rs.30,000/- per year.
Satis Chandra Mukherjee was given the charge tto give the idea a concrete shape.