Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti, is a creole-and French speaking Caribean country. Along with the Dominican Republic , it occupies the island of Hispaniola. Ayiti (land on high) was the indegenous name of Taino. the country's highest point is 8,793 ft high.
Haiti's regional, historical, and ethnolinguistic position is unique for several reasons. It was the first independent nation in latin America, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the the only nation whose independence was signed as part of a successful slave rebellion. Haiti is the only predominately francophone independent nation in the Americas, and one of only two (along with canada) which designate french as an official language.
Haiti is a country with a number of notable attributes, some good and some bad. It is one of the two countries which werenotable to abolish slavery without the extensive bloodshed of civil war wereHaiti and the US. The US and haiti share the record for the extremes of percapita income. The US has the highest percapita income in the Americas and haiti has the lowest.
As per national average per capita income using Atlas method , est.2003, is 380 $. Its rank from the top is 176 and from the bottom is 30th. in the world and first in Latin America.
In IMF, WB and CIA measurement with est. 2007 and 2008,