Thursday, March 5, 2009

Malawi (continued)

In 1992, malawi suffered the worst drought of the century. That same year there were violent protests against Banda's rule, and Western nation suspended aid to the country . In a 1993 referendum Malawians voted for an end in one party rule and parliament passed legislation establishing a multiparty democracy and abolishing the life presidency. In a free election in 1994, Banda was defeated by Bakili Muluzi, his former political prodege, who called for a policy of national reconciliation. Muluzi formed a coalition cabinet , with members from his own United Democratic front (UDF) and the rival Alliance for Democracy (AFORD). Dissillusioned with the coalition , AFORD pulled out of the Govt. in 1996. When Muluzi was reelected in 1999, Aford joined in an unsuccessful attempt of court challenge of his election.

Bakili Muluzi, 2nd. from rt.

In 2002, Muluzi began a campaign to have the constitution changed so that he could run for a third term, but the move was not successful. In late 2003 , AFORD again formed an alliance with the UDF and in aid of a split in opposition , UDF candidate Bigu wa mutharika won the 2004 presidential election. though UDF could not gain a plurality in the election , Mutharika formed a coalition with the independents and the National Democratic Alliance.
Bingu wa Mutharika
The reign of Muthrika was not successful due to the power struggle between the Govt. and the court. in2007, the country was gripped by AIDs and one seventh of the country's people were affected.

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