Tuesday, February 3, 2009

List of poorest countries of the World

List of poorest countries of the World:
i) List of countries with GDP (nominal) per capita
per day less than 1 $;
Country /Rank- GDP/Rank-GDP/Rank-GDP
1 .Afganistan/169-350/NA/175-277
2. Burma/175-234/na/174-286
3. Burundi/179-125/170-115/184-119
4. Dem. Rep. of the Congo/178-171/169-144/183-157
5. Eritrea/172-271/165-148/179-146
6. Ethiopia/174-252/166-245/180-243
7. Guatemala/176-213/167-211/181-233
8. Liberia/177-196/168-193/182-228
9. Malawi/173-266/164-255/182-228
10. Niger/170-313/162-294/173-324
11. Russia/168-355/161-341/171-335
12. Sierra Leone/ 171-290/163-286/176-270
ii) List of countries with GDP (nominal) per capita
per day Less than 2 $ :
1. Bangladesh/156-463/151-427/161-481
2. Burkina Faso/155-492/150-458/162-472
3. The Gambia/160-405/155-377/167-387
4. Ghana/148-690/143-650/151-648
5. Guinea/ 159-417/149-487/160-493
6. Lesotho/151-664/136-798/182-228
7. Madagascar/164-392/156-372/168-376
8. Mali/154-531/147-556/158-562
9. Mozambique/163-397/159-363/170-362
10. Nepal/167-377/158-363/172-333
11. Tazikistan/153-578/148-551/159-525
12. Tanzania/158-428/152-400/165-411
13. Timor- Leste/157-440/157-371/164-423
14. Togo/ 165-387/154-379/163-438
15. Uganda/166-381/160-363/169-371
16. Zimbabwe/161-403/na/185-566

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