Saturday, February 7, 2009

Burundi (1993 - 2008)

In oct. 1993, Tutsi soldiers assassinated Ndadaye, which sparked off further violence between Hutu and Tutsis. It was estimated that some 3,00,000were killed in 1993.
In early 1994 the parliament elected Cyprien Ntaryamira, also a Hutu, to the office of President. He was shot down while moving in a plane along with the President of Rwanda. Within a month
a wave of violence began. In 1996, Pierre Buyiya, a Tutsi, took power through a coup d'etat. he suspended the constitution as a president in 1998. In his time long peace talk started under the guidance of South Africa in the presence of 6 African countries ( Burundi, Rwanda. Zaire,Tanzania , uganda and South africa) and an agreement was arrived.Nelson mandela acted as facilitator in Arusha Peace process.
After 3 years of trasitional Govt. election was held under a new constitution and following results obtained.
Principal Govt. officials :
President - Pierre Nkurunziza,
First VicePresident - Yves Sahinguvu
Second Vice President - Gabriel Ntisezerana
Pierre Nkurunziza

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