Friday, January 23, 2009

Rep. of the Congo (continued)

After the world War II, there was an upsurge of nationalism. France, weakened by its wars in Indochina and Algeria, di not resist but granted internal autonomy to its African colonies . Congo became an autonomous republic within the Franco- African Community in 1958.Upon Independence in 1960 the former french region of Middle Congo became the Repulic of the Congo. A quarter century of experimentation with Marxism, was abandoned in 1990 and a democratically elected Government was installed in 1992. A brief civil war in1997 restored former Marxist President Sassou-Ngoessou ushered in a period of ethnic unrest.Southern based rebel groups agreed to final peace accord in March , 2003, but the calm is trenuous and refugees continue to present a humanitarian crisis.The Republic of Congo is a largest petroleum producing country in Africa and significant for its potential for offshore development.
Congolese woman were thwarted in their ambition to improve their showing , with only one woman being elected. The center for the promotion of Women in politics had worked hard to raise the profile of its women candidates. In the two chamber of Parliament with188 seats, there are only 20 women . As in other African countries no. of women are more than the no. of men. and 70% of women live in poverty line.

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