Thursday, January 15, 2009

Outlines of History of Sierra Leone

History of Sierra Leone
ca. 2500 BC Begining of agrculture, settled life,pottery making.
ca 600 AD Introduction of iron making
ca. 1450 - 1700 Mende migration into Sierra Leone
1462 Portuguese navigator visits the coast, names the peninsula, Sierra Leon ( Lion Mountain)
ca. 1540 Mane Invasion
1727 Futa Jallon Jihad
Expansion of Islam
1787 Province of Freedom established
1789 Koya Temne destroy colony
1792 Freetown Established
Arrival of Nova scotians
1800 Arrival of the Marrons
1808 British declare the colony of Sierra Leone
Recaptive slaves begin to arrive
1827 Fourth Bay institution established
1845 CMS Grammar school estblished
First secondary school in west Africa
1853 New constitution adopted
John Ezzidio becomes first African Elected
to the Legistative Council
1876 Fourah Bay Collegeaffiliated with Durham University
1884 Samori Invasionsbegin in northern interior
1896 British Declare The Sierra Leone Protectorate
1898 The 1898 Rebillion( Hut tax War) begins
in the south on April 27
1906 Bo school opens for sons and nominees of
1908 Railway reaches Pendembu
1914 - 1918 World War - I
Sierra Leonean troops fight in Cameroon
1924 New constitution adopted
Chiefs sit for the first time in the Legislative council
1937 Native Adminstration system established
1939 - 1945 World war II
Sierra leonean troops fight in burma
1946 District Council and Protectorate Assembly
1961 New Constitution adopted
Unified Governmental system adopted
protectorate representatives in the majority
Sierra Leone achieves independence in April 27
Sir Milton Margaret was 1st. Prime Minister
1964 Sir Albert margaret was 2nd. Prime Minister
1967 Military coup, Siaka Stevens appointed Prime Minister
1968 Siaka Stevens became 3rd. Prime Minister
1971 Sierra leone becomes a republic
Siaka stevens - 1st. Executive President
1978 Sierra Leone becomes a one-party state
under the banner of the All Peoples Congress
1985 Major general J.S.Momoh - 2nd. Executive president.

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