Thursday, December 11, 2008

History of the creation of 3rd World countries

After the exploration of the whole world at about the end of fifteenth century, the whole world was divided into two discrete regions, not all at a time,
1. a list of dominant sovereign states known as the Imperialist world and
2. the other is their servient territories.
Imperialist states were mainly confined to,
1. Non-European Powers such as,
i) United States, ii) Argentina, iii) Australia, iv) Brazil, v) Chile, vi) China, vii) Indonesia, viii) Japan, ix) Ottoman Egypt, x) New Zealand, xi) South Africa,
2. European dominant Powers consisting of,
i) Austria, ii) Belgium, iii) British empire, iv) Denmark, v) Finland, vi)France, vii) Germany
viii) Greece, ix) Iceland, x) Italy, xi) Malta, xii) Monaco, xiii) Netherlands, Xiv) noway,
xv) Ottoman Empire / Turkey, xvi) Polish, xvii) Portugal, xviii) Russia, xix) Spain,
xx) Sweden.
A more close study reveals that United States occupied the position of the head of the States of Non-European countries and the British Empire that of the European states. Moreover United States controlled over the maximum no. of States at that time within the Non-European States i.e. twenty three and the British Empire ruled over 242 regions i.e. the maximum area controlled by an Imperialist Power in the History of the World.

Origins of the British Empire( 1497- 1997)wre laid at a time before Britain existed as a single political entity, when England and Scotland had separate kingdoms. In 1496, King Henry VII of England, following the successes of Portugal and Spain in overseas exploration, commissioned John Cabot to lead a voyage to discover a route to Asia via North Atlantic. The great British Empire ended in 1997, the United Kingdom's last major overseas territory, Hong Kong, became a special Adminstrative Region of the People's Republic of China under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration agreed some thirteen years ago.

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