Monday, December 29, 2008

Four poorest of the poor countries of the World

A close study of GDP and GNP/Capita of
the different poorest of the poor countries of
the world reveals that the rank of the
countries in regard to their economic status
is not only changing from year to year but also
changing due to the change of the methods
of measurement.We consider in details
the relavancy of the above statement
with the help of the following countries.
1.Ethiopia, 2. Dem.Rep. of Congo, 3. Burundi, 4. Guinea-Bissau
Year of Measurement : 2003
GNP/ capita
Rank (Atlas Method) - 208/ 207/206/ 205
gnp/capita 90/100/100/140
Rank ( PPP ,, ) - 201 /204/205/203
gnp/capita 720/640/620/600
Year of Measurement : 2005
GDP (billion $) =11.1/6.89/.72/.28
Rank = 99/117/186/203
GDP = 11.1

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