Sudanese industry accounted for an estimated 17 p.c.of GDP in 1998.The small size of the country's industrial sector is a result of chronic problems, including lack of skilled labour force, raw materials, and investments. These problems are most apparent in the textile and foodstaff industries, as well as in the production of sugar. aif these problems were resolved, Sudan could dramatically reduce its reliance on imports.
About 80 p.c. of the industries are privately owned , The main industries are , tannery and leather production, weaving mills, spinning mills, gum arabic production, paper mills, minerals, ores and raw materials extractions.The tannery industry

creates 6 p.c. of the country's exports.It contains production of of raw furs for exports and local market, furs for the footwear industry, belts, and artificial leathers.There are 7 big tannerys and 290 traditional manufacturers in Sudan. The furs and leathers are manufactured in 72 factories and the yearly production of shoes amounts to 12 million pairs.
Thetextile industry is the oldest one in the country. Weaving and spinning mills are supported by the Govt. that has spread the motto , "Let's wear what we produce ourselves."
In 1999,an agreement with a Chinese consortium was signed that could lead to a new cooperation in textile factories reconstruction.
Sudan is the biggest producer of arabic gum that is extracted from the resin of sengalese acacia trees. Its production covers 80 p.c. of the world consumption. the gum is used in foodstuffs, the chemical industry, cosmetics, pharmaceauticals , and lithography.Oil deposits were found in 196os and 1970s. and Sudan started its extraction in 1980s.Most of the oil depoits ae located in the southern part of Sudan. The different foreign companies are operating for its etraction.